Monday, March 21, 2011

English class

We are meant to be studying a movie in English at the moment. But to hell with that.
We were talking about boys failing.... like in pickup lines....
The worst Asian pickupline ever:    So. Want some help with your maths homework? xD
The close runner-up was, of course:     *passes flyer* Wanna come to my violin concert?

oh yes. They really get the heart-rate up. Take your breath away, right there.

But more importantly, random fact of the day! Did you know (and I'm betting you didn't) that barnacles have a penis fourteen times their body length?
You didn't? I didn't think so.
Karen: Can your penis do that? Hmm?
Collette: Of course it can. Duh.

I love my friends. Also, a general warning. DO NOT attempt to play soccer with a Swiss ball. If the fancy strikes you, restrain yourself. It flies.
I'm not kidding, you kick those things hard enough they soar across surprisingly large distances. And when they come down, they bring concussions with them. Oh yeah. So don't.